
HGH BENEFITS!!!  (24/11/2005)


Elevate the Immune System

Hgh will help you improve the manufacturer of new antibodies, increases production of T-cells and interlukin 2, induces the proliferation of disease fighting white blood cells, stimulates bacteria fighting macrophages and improves production or red blood cells.

Energy and Vitality

Not only can Hgh reinvigorate your mind, it can just as well reverse your whole attitude, outlook and expectations associated with the aging process. Hgh increases your concentration and thinking power, has an anti-depressive action on the brain, and can have a profound effect in increasing energy and a sense of confidence.

Stabilize Mood-Swings

HGH acts in your brain as an antidepressant, raising B-endorphin levels, the brains own opiate, and lowering dopamine, which causes agitation. Hgh can help you reduce stress, improve concentration and redraw your focus.

Enhance Sexual Performance

As a powerful aphrodisiac, Hgh helps restore sexual potency and sexuality in men. Women using the HGH had report an increase in libido, heightened pleasure and multiple orgasms. The Hgh also helps to alleviate menstrual and post-menopausal symptoms and furthermore, eliminate vaginal dryness.

Burn Fat and Reduce Cellulite

The most effective anti-obesity "agent" ever discovered, Hgh revs up the metabolism to former highs, selectively reducing the abdomen, waist, thighs and hips, while t the same time increasing muscle mass. In many cases, people actually "look like they've shed years off, along with the fat they've lost."

Fitness and Bodybuilding

Medical studies have proven that positive gains occur only while growth hormone is being secreted. Hgh has been found to significantly increase the effects of exercise and muscle building, including energy, muscle strength and endurance.

Rejuvenate Hair, Nails, and Skin

Antioxidants, other weight-training exercise and even other hormone treatments can be a great help in maintaining a youthful appearance. But only Hgh can help take a decade or so off your face. Your skin regains thickness and youthful contours as it becomes more elastic and hydrated and you would start looking visibly younger, usually within a few weeks. Hgh appears to have more of a tonic effect on hair. In clinical tests 38% reported new hair growth, coming in faster and thicker, and even in its natural color. Your nails will be strengthened and Hgh has even been found to re-grow burned skin and close ulcerated wounds.

Cell Protecting

Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, etc., can remove oxygen free radicals keep the proteases (destructive enzymes that cause cell damage) from becoming active. But growth hormone can act on the proteases directly. The Hgh activates a cellular defense force called protease inhibitors, which prevent free radicals from doing their deadly work.

Memory Improvement

Hgh can help to stimulate the rejuvenation and repair of your brain cells. Hgh also affects the proteins produced in the brain for storing your memories. Hgh deficiency has been directly related to the impairment of both long-and short-term memory as well as hand-eye coordination.

No more Sleeping Disorders

Hgh can be a great help in balancing your sleeping pattern. Not only can you feel more rested in the morning, many report for the first time in years they are able to sleep through the entire night. Others, found they need less sleep but contained more energy.

Increase Brain Function

The brain and nervous system are made up of cells called neurons, even though they are permanent and never re-grows; Hgh can help you stimulate their repair and rejuvenation.


Hgh can also help to strengthen your bones, thicken your hair, re-color the grays that you hate, improve your vision, lower the cholesterol and blood pressure, improve your digestion, and quicken healing of wounds and so much more.